Retrieves TRX market data for a range of historical dates

  vs_currency = "usd",
  max_attempts = 3L



(character): name of the base currency to benchmark TRX against (usd by default). An up-to-date list of supported currencies (both fiat and cryptocurrencies) can be retrieved with the get_supported_coingecko_currencies() function. If an unsupported vs_currency is requested, the call will fail with the respective error message.


(numeric or character): a Unix timestamp (including milliseconds), which defines the beginning of the period of interest (inclusive). Defaults to 0.


(numeric or character): a Unix timestamp (including milliseconds), which defines the end of the period of interest (inclusive).


(integer, positive): specifies the maximum number of additional attempts to call a URL if the first attempt fails (i.e. its call status is different from 200). Additional attempts are implemented with an exponential backoff. Defaults to 3.


A tibble with the following columns:

  • timestamp (POSIXct);

  • vs_currency (character): same as the argument vs_currency;

  • price (double): TRX price, as of datetime;

  • total_trading_vol (double): a 24 h rolling-window trading volume, as of timestampt;

  • market_cap (double): TRX market cap, as of timestamp.


This function returns hourly data for periods of up to 90 days, and daily data for periods above 90 days.

The minimal acceptable min_timestamp is "1510185600000" (which corresponds to 2017-11-09 00:00:00) as no data are available for earlier dates. Attempts to retrieve data for earlier dates will fail with the corresponding error message.

Attempts to request a future max_timestamp for which no history exists yet will also fail with the corresponding error message.


r <- get_trx_market_data_for_time_range( vs_currency = "eur", min_timestamp = "1609495210000", max_timestamp = "1609533900000" ) print(r)
#> # A tibble: 11 x 5 #> timestamp vs_currency price total_trading_vol market_cap #> <dttm> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 2021-01-01 10:29:22 eur 0.0222 654573570. 1594168100. #> 2 2021-01-01 11:28:07 eur 0.0223 641862258. 1597089730. #> 3 2021-01-01 12:30:03 eur 0.0224 642318304. 1593613228. #> 4 2021-01-01 13:21:14 eur 0.0223 631960114. 1594847164. #> 5 2021-01-01 14:07:59 eur 0.0223 624479142. 1601164342. #> 6 2021-01-01 15:26:23 eur 0.0224 623512377. 1598862382. #> 7 2021-01-01 16:24:40 eur 0.0223 618019263. 1597682803. #> 8 2021-01-01 17:26:22 eur 0.0224 617045405. 1604783013. #> 9 2021-01-01 18:28:35 eur 0.0222 592113206. 1594935074. #> 10 2021-01-01 19:27:59 eur 0.0220 597989280. 1577179895. #> 11 2021-01-01 20:29:06 eur 0.0221 624294518. 1582333694.